Melyn Pictures

We are a Welsh Independent Film Production Company
with a focus on exciting feature films in the world of horror and thriller.

Rydym yn Gwmni Cynhyrchu Ffilmiau Annibynnol Cymreig
gyda ffocws ar ffilmiau arswyd a chyffro.

Melyn gets its name and inspiration from the Giallo films of Italy. Giallo translates to Yellow, which in Welsh translates to Melyn.

Mae Melyn yn cymryd ei enw ac ysbrydoliaeth o ffilmiau Giallo yr Eidal. Giallo yw’r gair Eidaleg am Melyn.

Aled Owen, Director

  • Homegrown Cinema

    Aled Owen is a writer and filmmaker from Carmarthen. He founded Melyn Pictures in October 2021 with the aim of telling stories that take place within Wales. He is the writer and director of The Mill Killers as well as one of its producers.

    Sgriptiwr a chyfarwyddwr ffilm o Gaerfyrddin yw Aled Owen. Sefydlodd Aled Melyn Pictures ym Mis Hydref 2021 er mwyn rhannu straeon Cymreig. Ef yw sgriptiwr a chyfaddwyrwr The Mill Killers, yn ogystal ag un o’r cynhyrchwyr.

  • It Takes a Village

    Aled called in favours from many of his talented friends in order to see his vision for Melyn Pictures come to life. This chosen family of gifted contemporaries contributed their expertise in getting The Mill Killers made which wouldn’t have been possible without them.

    Gofynnodd Aled am gydweithrediad nifer o’i ffrindiau dawnus er mwyn cyflawni ei weledigaeth. Cyfrannodd y teulu o gyfoeswyr eu harbenigedd wrth greu The Mill Killers, a bysai’r holl beth wedi bod yn amhosib hebddynt.

Our Debut Feature Film

The Mill Killers

is on streaming soon!